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Hard Rock Sin: A Rock Star Romance Page 6
Hard Rock Sin: A Rock Star Romance Read online
Page 6
"Shit, it's pretty late, isn't it?" Cameron pulled out his phone to check the time. The glow lit up his face in the darkness, making it ghostly, eerie. "You've got class tomorrow, right?"
"At nine in the morning. I should get to bed."
"Sorry for keeping you up."
"That's okay. I had fun. Can't study all the time, right?"
I glanced out the window again. The shiver returned.
"Thanks for humoring me." Cameron opened his mouth to say something, then stopped, staring at me. He cracked a small rueful smile. "Anyway. See you later." He turned to walk off.
"Wait!" I called out anxiously.
"Yeah?" he asked, turning back.
I cringed inwardly. This was so embarrassing, but…
"Can you…" I mumbled the last few words.
"What was that?"
"Can you walk me to my room?" I said in a rush.
He looked shocked for a second before a devious smile crossed his face.
"Are you afraid of the dark?"
"I think you are."
"I just don't know my way around this place well enough yet. I don't want to get lost."
"Want me to hold your hand?" he teased.
I made a face. "Just point the way. I'll find my way around myself."
That devious smile softened into something more understanding. "It's cool. I'll take you there."
"Thanks," I murmured.
"Don't be embarrassed. I was afraid of the dark too when I was a kid."
"I'm not a kid. And I'm not afraid of the dark."
"Maybe I should make you a map," he continued teasing as I followed him. "Don't want you to get lost and end up in Narnia."
"I highly doubt I'd get so lost as to find myself in a wardrobe."
He led me through the mansion, making fun of me the whole way. I scowled behind his back.
Before I knew it we were at my bedroom door. Behind me, every light in the hallway was turned on. I hadn't noticed at the time, but Cameron had been switching on every light as we made our way through the house. Our path was now well lit.
"We've arrived safe and sound," he said. "Want me to check the closet for monsters, too?"
I hesitated for the slightest of moments. Cameron's face turned puzzled. I straightened my back, throwing off the tension in my shoulders.
"Thanks for showing me the way," I said, aiming for a breezy tone. I pretended like I didn't notice the slight frown on his face. "I've got to get an early start."
I put my hand on my bedroom door. I couldn't make myself turn the knob. My hand trembled. My grip on the doorknob made it rattle.
"Are you actually worried someone might be in there?" Cameron asked, concerned.
My heart jumped in my chest at the mere thought. "No. Why would I be?"
"Shit." Cameron's face fell. "Now I remember. You had that break in, didn't you?"
A shot of adrenaline hit my system. All my senses went on high alert.
"What do you mean?" I fought to speak through a tight throat and dry mouth.
"A while back, before you went to London. Some guys broke into yours and Noah's place, didn't they?" Cameron cursed and ran his hand through his bangs, revealing both eyes. His eyebrows were drawn down, looking chagrinned. "I totally forgot."
I took in slow, shaky breaths, trying to keep my racing pulse from going into overdrive.
"I didn't mean to tease you." Cameron seemed sincerely remorseful.
"It's okay." I tried to keep my voice steady. It didn't work.
Cameron looked upset with himself. "I'm such an asshole."
"It was a long time ago."
A thoughtful expression crossed Cameron's face. He pulled out his phone.
"If you're worried about crazy fans or paparazzi trying to get in, you don't have to be." He looked down at the screen and tapped a few buttons. "I've got a state of the art security system."
"Jen mentioned something like that."
He turned the screen to show me. It looked like a night-vision view of his front yard, showing the driveway leading to the gates. He tapped again and this time the screen showed a video of the backyard pool.
"I've got cameras hooked up covering every inch of the place," he told me. "It's totally safe here."
The thought of cameras watching my every move should have been creepy. Who knew what kind of perverted things someone like Cameron could get up to with that kind of access?
But instead it made my lingering anxiety ease up some. The vise squeezing my chest loosened.
"You really have cameras everywhere?" I asked.
"Not inside the house, if that's what you're worried about. Just the perimeter."
I took the phone from his hand and tapped around myself, finding different views. The coverage looked thorough.
"There are sensors on the doors and windows," he added. "They trip if anyone tries to break in."
"This is pretty cool." I didn't take my eyes off the screen. I had to admit, knowing that Cameron had the ability to watch every inch of his grounds made me feel a lot safer.
"Give me your phone," he said.
"Just do it."
I pulled my phone from my pocket and handed it over. He tapped and swiped.
"Put in your password." He passed my phone back to me.
"What are you doing?" I asked, but I did it anyway.
"Giving you access to the live feeds."
I stared at him as he entered in a long string of numbers into a brand new app on my phone. "Are you serious?"
He finished and handed it back. "You can watch every inch of this place through that app."
I took my phone back with numb hands. "Are you sure? Isn't that… I don't know, an invasion of your privacy?"
"If you want to watch me swim naked in the pool, you don't need to do it through your phone." He grinned and winked.
I felt myself flush. I held the phone to my chest. "Thank you."
"No problem. I'm sorry I teased you about something that's still bothering you."
"It was a while ago. I should be over it by now."
"Coming home to find your place has been broken into is scary. You shouldn't feel bad about still being bothered by it."
I stared down at the app, avoiding his eyes. Cameron didn't know the whole story.
"Thanks for this," I told him. "I feel a lot better now." I turned the doorknob and opened the door, immediately flipping the light-switch on the wall, illuminating the room.
"There's still one more thing I need to do." Cameron breezed past me, striding into the bedroom.
"What are you doing?"
He crossed the plush carpet to the walk-in closet in the far corner of the room. "I'm checking for monsters."
I groaned. "Cameron…"
"I'm just being thorough. Need to make sure my houseguest feels comfortable." He opened the closet door and poked his head inside.
"I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you weren't rooting around in my personal things."
"Afraid of what I might find? I thought you didn't have anything embarrassing laying around."
"Just because I don't have some Hitachi Magic Wand hidden in there doesn't mean I want you looking at my underwear."
"I've already seen your underwear." He met my eyes. His own were twinkling with amusement. "Have I mentioned how cute that matching bra and panty set was? Cartoon kittens? Adorable."
"They were on sale," I muttered. I didn't want Cameron to go back to thinking I was just some kid.
Of course, I had just asked him to escort me to my room because I was afraid of what could be hiding in the dark. Couldn't get any more childish than that.
"And what is this?" Cameron pulled out a pair of panties with cute cartoon smiley faces on it. "I think I like this one even better than the kittens."
I marched over and snatched my underwear back.
"You can go now," I said pointedly.
"I haven't
checked under the bed yet."
I marched him out of my room, shoving at his back with both hands. His firm, muscular back.
Damn, but this guy worked out.
I needed to distance myself from those thoughts. I pushed him through the doorframe.
"Thank you for walking me back, but I'm going to bed now."
I swung the door closed, but he stuck a foot inside the door jam.
"Cameron, I'm serious."
"You sure you're going to be okay?"
He was no longer grinning, his eyes no longer sparkling. His forehead was lined, a slight worried frown on his face.
My irritation faded. He really had been looking out for me. Joking with me, distracting me from my fears.
Just like a big brother would.
That thought made my heart sink. The last thing I wanted was for Cameron to think of me as his little sister. I thought maybe we'd gotten past that.
"I'll be fine," I told him.
He placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. His thumb brushed the curve of my neck. My lungs squeezed. I nearly choked on my next breath.
"I programmed my number in there, too." He nodded to my phone. "If you need anything, just text. Or call. Or yell. This place carries sound pretty well. I'm on the second floor."
I nodded silently. I was afraid if I tried to speak, all that would come out was a whimper.
Our eyes locked. I had to tilt my head back. We were so close. He was so tall.
One dark blue eye stared into mine, the other covered by strands of fire-engine hair.
His thumb rubbed back and forth, a slow, sensual caress.
"I really am sorry for teasing you," he said honestly.
"I forgive you," I said with a forced smile.
Cameron continued staring at me for a few long moments.
His eyes dropped to my lips.
Nerves fluttered in my stomach. I played with the hem of my shirt, twisting the material between my fingers. He was so close. He was looking at me so intently. Was he going to…? My heart thumped wildly in my chest. I found myself leaning in unconsciously.
Cameron cleared his throat and backed away.
"Anyway. I'm here if you need me. See you around."
He made his way down the hallway, walking at a brisk pace, almost fleeing.
Disappointment hit my gut like a wrecking ball. Secretly, I kept on thinking maybe something would happen between the two of us. Kept on thinking maybe he felt something for me.
We'd had our fair share of awkward, tension filled moments, it was true, but those had all been about attraction. Lust.
But the more I got to know Cameron, the more I liked the man he was inside. It wasn't simply my old schoolgirl crush resurfacing. It wasn't just because he was hot.
With a sudden spark of insight, I realized my feelings for Cameron were changing.
"Yeah," I said. "See you."
I followed him with my eyes, waiting until he was out of sight before closing the door.
I chided myself as I got ready for bed. I had to rein these feelings in. I couldn't go mooning after my brother's friend for the rest of my life.
Still, I couldn't help but wonder what Cameron saw when he looked at me. Who he saw.
A sister to watch out for and take care of?
Just another hot girl, like all the rest who fawned after him?
Or something more?
Chapter Ten
It had been about a week after our first movie night. I'd just finished my reading for class the next day and was getting ready for bed.
I paused in the middle of washing my face in my private en suite bathroom. A sharp, tinkling sound caught my attention. Then another. I followed the sound, wandering out into the hallway, wondering what could be making such a weird noise. It almost sounded like…
A loud, blaring alarm blasted over the speakers.
… breaking glass.
My heart immediately ran into overdrive. My lungs shut down, unable to take in a single breath.
Someone was breaking in.
I began trembling, frozen in place. My feet were glued to the floor. I knew I should run into my bedroom and lock the door, but I couldn't make myself move. The alarms continued blaring, sounding harsh to my panicked ears.
My phone began ringing from its place on my nightstand. The thought of answering it didn't even cross my mind.
But the sound did jolt me into action. With a gasping breath I fled the hallway, running into my room and slamming the door behind me. I was so panicked I didn't even think to lock it as I flung open the bathroom door.
I slid down the wall, huddled in the corner, knees to my chest, arms wrapped around my shins. My heartbeat thumped loudly in my chest. The white noise of blood pumping through my veins rushed through my ears. My eyes were wide open, but I didn't see anything.
My fingers were icy cold. My lungs were frozen. I gasped for air, but my throat was tight. I couldn't breathe.
I felt all of this distantly as I stared blankly at the opposite wall, limbs shaking.
The blaring stopped abruptly. My phone continued to ring. I curled up even tighter into myself. My lungs burned. I struggled to take in a single breath. My vision began to go dark.
A small part of me registered a familiar voice calling my name. The fear had taken such hold inside me I couldn't force myself to answer.
Shuffling sounds and a quiet curse came from outside the bathroom door. The door creaked open. I jolted awake, shooting my head up with my heart in my throat.
Cameron stood in the doorframe, the bright light of my bedroom lighting up the red of his bed-mussed hair, causing a halo to surround his head.
My lungs kickstarted. I let out a whoosh of breath. My vision began to clear, darkness eroding. I was no long in danger of passing out.
"Thank god." Cameron looked around the bathroom. "Isn't this a bit of an overreaction?" He gave me a wry smile.
"C-Cameron," I spoke with a shuddering, choked breath.
Worried immediately flooded his face. He crouched down in front of me. He cupped my face with one hand. My cheeks were wet with tears. I hadn't even noticed.
"I was worried when you didn't answer your phone."
I couldn't do anything but shake and clutch my knees tighter to my chest.
Understanding dawned on his face.
"It's okay," he said in a soft voice. "It was a false alarm. No one broke in."
I exhaled loudly, relief blossoming in my chest.
"Come on." He wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me stand on shaky legs.
He held me close to his chest. He stroked my hair, from the top of my head to the ends down my back.
"I'm sorry." My voice was raspy. My throat hurt, sore and raw from my gasping, struggling breaths. I clung to his t-shirt.
"For what?"
"For freaking out. For making you worry."
"You don't need to apologize."
"I shouldn't still be so…" I trailed off.
"It's okay to be scared."
"I couldn't do anything except cower in a corner."
"If it had been a real break in, I would have wanted you to do just that. Find a safe place and hide."
Those words sent another spike of fear through my chest.
"Has anyone ever broken in before, for real?" I asked, hoping he would say no.
"A few have tried," he admitted. "Mostly crazy fans."
The fear didn't ease.
"You should get some sleep."
Cameron rubbed small circles across my back. The touch would normally have sent a pulse of arousal straight between my thighs, but there wasn't enough room in my overworked brain for thoughts like that.
"I'm sure you have more early classes tomorrow, right?" Cameron guided me to the bed, pulling back the covers and setting me down to sit on the edge.
One dark blue eye examined mine, concern on his face.
"Are you going t
o be okay?"
I nodded silently.
"I'm just a text away if you need me."
I couldn't stop staring at him. At the worried lines of his brow.
He turned to leave.
"Wait." I reached out and grabbed his hand, my own fingers still trembling.
Cameron looked back at me, surprised. He quickly glanced down to where his hand was gripped in mine. He glanced back up.
"I don't…" My other hand fisted in the material of my shirt. "I don't want to be alone."
Cameron ran a hand through his bangs, revealing both eyes. He flicked his gaze to my bed, then back to mine.
"Lily, I don't think—"
"Please. Will you sleep with me?"
I didn't even blush at the connotation. I was too exhausted, too overwrought, for thoughts of attraction and lust and other, more serious, feelings. All I knew was that I didn't want to go back to that bed alone.
Cameron seemed to exhale a deep breath. He stared at me. I stared back. I don't know what he saw on my face, in my eyes, but he eventually nodded.
"Okay. Just for tonight."
Chapter Eleven
I awoke with a gasp, launching myself upright in bed. I panted for breath, my heart racing in my chest.
"What? What is it?"
I turned to find Cameron lurching out of bed to sit next to me. His red hair was bedraggled, falling over his face.
I was befuddled for a brief moment before it came back to me. Cameron had agreed to stay the night with me. I'd been too scared to be alone. There hadn't been a real intruder, but that didn't stop my imagination from going into overdrive.
"Was it a nightmare?" His eyes were heavy lidded with sleep, but I could still detect the concern in them.
"I don't remember." My voice was still shaky and weak.
"Why don't you lie back and try to get some sleep?" Cameron suggested.
I nodded silently and settled back into bed, but I was now wide awake. I couldn't remember all of my dreams, but I still felt the effects. Adrenaline spiking through my veins, breathing sped up. I began to tremble.
A small touch on my shoulder made me jump.