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Hard Rock Sin: A Rock Star Romance Page 3

"Are you going to tell me not to take candy from strangers, too?"

  "I don't want you getting into trouble."

  "I'm here to hang out with you and your friends, maybe dance a little. That's all. Speaking of…" I looked around the room, not seeing anyone familiar. "I haven't seen August or the twins in forever. Can we go find them?"

  Noah escorted me through the mansion room by room, looking for his bandmates. From what I recalled, the twins had always been mischievous pranksters, always trying to mess with me. August had been more distant, but he looked out for me when Noah couldn't. It had almost been like having a handful of brothers.

  Of course, my feelings for Cameron had never been familial in the slightest.

  Remembering that this mansion was his home gave me pause. I knew my brother's band was popular, but surely Cameron's royalties couldn't pay for a place like this. Like Noah had said, there was well off, and then there was obscenely wealthy. This mansion was close to being obscene.

  "His Royal Highness has made an appearance!"

  A blur of bright red hair streaked across the room and threw itself at Noah. Cameron gave my brother a cheeky grin as he wrapped an arm around his neck.

  A slow flush creeped up my cheeks at the sight of Cameron dressed in his rock star best.

  He wore dark blue skinny jeans, chains hanging from the belt, and a faded white-shirt. I shouldn't have been surprised to see him wearing eyeliner, which was even more on point than mine usually was. Cameron was dramatic — of course he would be dressed for the stage at his raging house party.

  The muscles of his inked arms flexed as he clung to my brother. Heat pooled between my legs. I clenched my inner muscles, forcing myself to stay cool in the presence of Cameron Thorne, Rock Star God.

  "Get off," Noah grunted, shoving an elbow in Cameron's ribs.

  Cameron hung on tight, unperturbed. "And is the lovely Jennifer also in attendance?"

  "She's with her friends." Noah gave in and allowed Cameron to cling to him. "I brought Lily, too."

  The bassist froze. Cameron slowly turned his head toward me. His dark-rimmed blue eyes met mine before dropping and zeroing in on my legs.

  There they were again, those butterflies taking wing in my stomach. Cameron must be a leg man. I was suddenly very glad I'd decided to wear this dress.

  "Hey Cameron," I said, feigning a casual tone. "Good to see you again."

  "Yeah." He met my eyes and paused, as if looking for words. After a few moments he seemed to give up. "You too."

  I didn't know what Cameron was thinking. He could have been thinking any number of things. Remembering our various encounters, maybe. He'd invited me to wait my turn to receive oral from him. He'd caressed the small of my back. He'd asked if I preferred to be called hot and sexy.

  Cameron had also run away from me, terrified that Noah would find out and murder him.

  I didn't want him to run away again. Cameron was one of the few people who saw me as a grown woman.

  But I also knew he was right. Noah would gut him if he thought Cameron was having dirty thoughts about his baby sister.

  "Have you seen the others?" Noah asked, not noticing the slight tension between Cameron and I. "It's been a while since Lily's hung out with the gang."

  "Aw, you missed us?" Cameron flashed me an almost nervous smile, aiming for normalcy.

  I returned it. "Noah's told me stories, but I want to catch up with you guys in person."

  "The twins are out back in the pool."

  "You have a pool?" I asked excitedly, forgetting about the awkwardness between me and Cameron for moment.

  Cameron eyed me with interest. "You like swimming?"

  "I love it."

  "Didn't get much of a chance in rainy old England? We could all go for a dip, if you like." Cameron spoke to the both of us but his eyes were trained on me.

  "That would be awesome, but I don't have a swimsuit," I said.

  Cameron and I were holding a normal conversation like two adults. This didn't have to be awkward. Or filled with tension.

  I was relieved, until I realized that spark of interest had turned into something else. Cameron's eyes flashed, his gaze sweeping up and down my body with a quick look.

  I just knew he was imagining me in a bathing suit.

  Or perhaps less.

  "Let's go," Noah said. "I don't want Lily out too late."

  "I'm not a kid," I protested, embarrassed at how Noah was treating me.

  "Noah's right," Cameron said reluctantly. "The later my parties go, the crazier things tend to get. You're probably better off heading home after a few hours."

  If even Cameron called it crazy, I couldn't argue.

  I followed the two of them through the vast house, trying not to gape, both at the ostentatious decor and the wild, lascivious acts being performed by the drunken party goers.

  "Cover your eyes," Noah ordered.

  "It's nothing worse than I've seen you and Jen doing," I shot back.

  "You've walked in on Noah going at it?" Cameron shook his head with a fake wince. "I'm so sorry. That must have been traumatizing."

  "After the third time it just became tedious."

  When we reached the pool we found the twins splashing at shrieking people, along with Jen and two other young women I assumed were her friends.

  The twins, Damon and Ian, had stripped down to their swim trunks, displaying their wet, tattooed chests. Almost as tempting as Cameron. With their dazzling green eyes and tempting smiles, I could see why all the girls fell at their feet. They were identical, from their faces, to their bodies, to their matching tattoos. I'd never been able to tell them apart. In the few years since I'd last seen them in person, that hadn't changed.

  "Whoa, is that little Lily Hart?" one of them called out from the pool. With less makeup and Noah at my side, it must have been easy for them to recognize me.

  "You asshole, why didn't you tell us your baby sister was coming home?" the other added.

  "We would have given her a warm welcome," the first continued.

  Noah glowered. "It'll be a cold day in hell before I let the two of you give her any kind of welcome."

  They both laughed and shared a grin.

  "Don't worry, she's safe," one of them said. "I'm taken, remember?"

  "But I'm not," the other said with a naughty smirk. "Better watch out, little Lily Hart."

  They resumed their splashing, causing shrieks and squeals to fill the air.

  The look on Noah's face was murderous.

  Jen left her friends and came over to us.

  "Don't worry," she told Noah. "Damon's just been acting out ever since his brother settled down."

  Noah's expression didn't ease.

  "We were just thinking about stripping down and going into the pool," Jen continued, turning to face me. "You want to join?"

  "I don't have a swimsuit," I said regretfully.

  "We've all gone in just in our bras and panties before. It's fine."

  Cameron's gaze quickly flicked mine, his eyes glimmering with a hint of heat. They flicked away.

  "Not gonna happen," Noah cut in.

  "Can you stop with the overprotective big brother thing?" I finally lost my patience. "It's one thing to force me to live with you but you can't dictate my every move."

  "Speaking of…" Jen looked hesitant. "Can we talk about Lily's living situation?"

  "Sick of me interrupting your sexy times?"

  Jen flushed and ducked her head. "I love having you stay with us. Really. But it would be nice to get our privacy back."

  I gave Noah a pointed look. "Just what I was thinking. So I'll go stay at a hotel for the summer like I planned."

  "I don't want you on your own."

  "I can look out for myself," I said stubbornly, even as a small spike of anxiety hit my system. I didn't want my brother to know I was still a little nervous about being on my own.

  "What if she stays here?" Jen said suddenly.

  "Here where?" Noah as


  My heart stuttered in my chest. Cameron's expression froze.

  "Are you shitting me?" Noah said flatly.

  "Why not?" Jen shrugged. "He's got eighteen bedrooms." She turned to Cameron. "You could practically give Lily an entire floor to herself. You could go days without seeing each other."

  "He's a party animal," Noah said as if Cameron wasn't standing there gaping right beside him. "He has a new woman over every night of the week. He lives off pizza and beer. He's the least responsible person I've ever met."

  "Cam's got a fancy security system," Jen continued earnestly. "No one can get in or out. Even his parties have bodyguards guarding the front door with a guest list."

  "I don't know." Noah looked hesitant.

  "Lily couldn't be safer anywhere else," Jen continued. "And it's only going to be for a few months, until she's in the dorms."

  Wait. Was this really happening?

  Cameron's eyes were wide as he glanced between me and Noah.

  My brother frowned at the bassist. "What's wrong with you?"

  "N-nothing's wrong," Cameron stumbled over his words.

  "Lily's got to stay somewhere," Jen told him. "Noah needs someone to keep an eye on her."

  "I suppose it makes sense," Noah said grudgingly. "But Cameron has to agree to keep his dick in his pants." My brother glared at him. "You touch my sister, you die."

  An odd expression flickered across Cameron's face in an instant, a combination of hunger and panic.

  "I'm serious," Noah growled. "You mess with her, I will end you."

  "You've got tons of room," Jen continued, completely glossing over Noah's threat. "Your place is totally secure. There's no reason not to, right?"

  "Ah. Sure. No reason not to," Cameron repeated, looking numb.

  And that was how I came to live with my rock star crush.

  Chapter Five

  It wasn't as if I'd been railroaded into staying with Cameron. I could have said no. I could have insisted on staying somewhere else. Somewhere I wouldn't have to live with a big brother-by-proxy.

  But every time I started to protest, something stopped me.

  I wanted my freedom, it was true. Living at Cameron Thorne's mansion wouldn't really afford me that. I'd still have someone watching over me.

  But I couldn't deny the real reason I hadn't fought too hard against the idea.

  Cameron was one of the few people who treated me like an adult.

  I'd grown up as a child under my brother's watchful eye.

  I'd spent my teen years at a strict boarding school.

  I'd spent the last six months at a secluded artists' retreat, in the middle of rural France. My only company had been eight other women, all in their mid-thirties or older, who treated me like their own daughter.

  Up until a few days ago, I couldn't have told you the last time someone looked at me like an adult.

  Until I'd walked in on Cameron having sex and he'd invited me to join in. Until he'd put his arm around me and called me hot and sexy. Until his eyes had met mine and glinted with a simmering heat.

  Every morning I woke up to thoughts of that look, wondering when I'd see it again. If I would see it again.

  But it had been days since I'd moved into Cameron's home and I'd only seen him once, on the day I arrived. Noah and Jen came with me. Cameron greeted us at the door. He had only been wearing jeans and a t-shirt, no eyeliner or leather pants. The sight of him was still enough to make my insides flutter madly.

  Cameron took us to the third floor and let me have my pick of bedrooms. After investigating a few rooms, I found one with a comfy padded bench beneath a window, the perfect reading nook. It also had a vanity that could double as a desk. The decor was white and light purple, with throw rugs and a four-poster canopy bed.

  "It's like I'm a Disney princess," I joked.

  "Cameron's certainly no prince," Noah muttered under his breath.

  Jen nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. "Behave."

  The two of them left me to unpack.

  "Just remember what I told you," Noah hissed to Cameron he left the room.

  "What did he tell you?" I asked when Noah and Jen left.

  "You know, the usual. I touch you, I die."

  But despite Cameron's flippant response, he looked perturbed.

  "What else did he say?"

  Cameron stopped in the doorway, a strange look on his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but paused, as if he were thinking better of it.

  "Nothing. See you around," was all he said before walking out of the bedroom and shutting the door behind him.

  That was the last I'd seen of Cameron Thorne.

  Half the time I wondered if he was avoiding me. The other half told myself I was being silly. The mansion was huge. I practically did have the entire floor to myself. Cameron stuck to his side of the place, with no reason to come over to my side. He might not even have had a reason to step foot in the same floor as me at all.

  That meant I had to learn my way around by myself. I hoped Cameron didn't mind me snooping, but at the very least I had to find the kitchen so I didn't starve.

  For all that Noah said Cameron lived off pizza and beer, the kitchen was fully stocked. The fridge was overflowing with fruits and vegetables and the cupboards were filled with non-perishable goods. Cameron also owned every kitchen appliance and cooking utensil known to man. Most were sparkling clean, looking brand new. I had to wonder if he'd ever used even a single one of those fancy gadgets.

  I'd been living in Cameron's home for a week when I finally encountered him.

  I was in the kitchen putting together a sandwich. One day I would brave the daunting kitchen and try out something more adventurous, but for now I stuck to simple foods and easy recipes.

  My back was turned as I sliced thin pieces of cucumbers to wedge between ham and cheese.

  "Oh. Hey," came a voice from behind me.

  I jumped a foot in the air and shrieked. Whirling around, I clutched the knife in a tight grip, brandishing it.

  "Shit, sorry!" Cameron said, holding his hands out as if giving me a peace offering. "I didn't mean to scare you."

  My heart thumped rapidly in my chest, adrenaline still flowing through me. I lowered the knife in trembling hands.

  "No. I'm sorry," I said through a shaky breath. "I shouldn't have freaked out like that."

  My heartbeat was still racing. I inhaled slowly, trying to calm down.

  "You okay?" Cameron's brows drew down into a frown as he examined me. It was a different look from the previous ones he'd thrown my way. No signs of heat or lust. There was concern and perhaps a little uncertainty.

  "I'm fine," I said, waving my hand dismissively. I realized I still held the knife in my hands. I hastened to put it down on the counter. "I've always been jumpy." That was a good enough excuse.

  "Still. I'm sorry."

  "Maybe you should wear a bell so I can hear you coming."

  "You really want to hear me coming, Angel?"

  I flushed, both at the words and at the term of endearment. It was the same pet name he'd called me before. "I didn't mean it that way. I just meant, so you can't sneak up on me again. That's all."

  "I believe you." Cameron gave me a teasing grin. "I'll try to make some noise next time."

  That tilt of his lips was vaguely familiar. Not smug or cocky. It was almost boyish. Without all that eyeliner and rock star fashion, Cameron Thorne looked just like the young man I'd known as a girl, before his fame and fortune. Although considering this mansion, maybe Cameron always had fortune.

  I was about to reply, to tell him again that it wasn't his fault I'd been startled, when my brain finally kicked in.

  Cameron's tight t-shirt was nearly soaked through, clinging to every muscled ab. His inked arms gleamed with beads of sweat, tattoos glistening. Damp strands of bright red hair stuck to his cheeks. He'd thrown a towel around his neck and carried a water bottle in his hand.

bsp; A distant part of my mind thought this must be why Cameron was so built, if he regularly exercised at home.

  Every single other part of my mind was stuck on a single fact.

  Good god this man was gorgeous.

  My breathing went shallow.


  "Yeah?" I replied weakly.

  "My eyes are up here."

  I shot my head up, embarrassed at having been caught staring. I met Cameron's gaze. There was that smug look. His boyish grin was nowhere to be found.

  "See something you like?" There was a wicked glint in his eyes.

  My nipples had peaked under my thin tank top. I'd begun to think of this place as home. I hadn't thought to throw on anything more than a tank and a pair of yoga pants. I hoped to the high heavens he hadn't noticed.

  "Sorry." My face felt hot. Other parts of me felt hot, too. "I didn't mean to stare. Maybe I've just been at an all-girls boarding school for too long." That would a good enough excuse for having my tongue hanging out.

  "It's cool," he said breezily. "I have that affect on women."

  "I know." I tried to play it cool, as if drooling all over yourself was just something one did when confronted by a gorgeous, half-naked rock star. Although, if Cameron's reaction was any indication, it apparently was. "I was sort of surprised, really."

  "At what?"

  I leaned against the counter, feigning a casual stance. "That Noah let me stay with you, considering your reputation."

  "Yeah, this place is pretty much party central."

  "No, I meant…" I faltered, but powered on, "your reputation with women. I thought for sure he would have much more to say about his baby sister staying with someone so—"

  "Slutty?" Cameron supplied with a raised eyebrow.

  "I wasn't going to put it that way."

  Cameron shot me a wary glance as he snagged a new bottle of water from the fridge. For the first time since he'd entered the kitchen, Cameron's eyes left my face. He eyed me up and down, taking in my tight tank top and yoga pants slung low on my hips. His heated stare made my stomach clench.

  The beginnings of desire made itself known between my legs. I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. I wondered whether or not to broach the subject, but I had to get it out there.